About Us
Driving Business Performance Through Learning
What does KIBŌ mean?
KIBŌ means “hope” in Japanese. Hope is what links reality to your dreams.
If you have hope, you can overcome any obstacle and make things better. You can lead others. You can set examples.
The main goal of KIBŌ is to help you as an organisation realise your dreams, achieve your potential, and give you and your staff hope for the future.
Who is KIBŌ?
KIBŌ is owned and operated by me, Steve McAneney. I have been producing and presenting training for over 20 years, with a total of 35 years of experience in the Automotive industry. I have taught and presented in South America, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and of course New Zealand, to audiences ranging from automotive technicians to Senior Managers.
I use my experience across the industry to help the motor industry do better and utilise tried and trusted instructional design techniques when developing courses, as well as a touch of human psychology.
What makes KIBŌ unique?
My experience teaching and working overseas, along with living in Japan for 15 years and Germany for 3 has taught me to be sensitive to the needs of different cultures, and people in different roles. In the process, I learned to read, write and speak Japanese.
Japan in particular has taught me the value of customer service, and respecting others, a mindset often referred to as ‘Omotenashi’. This philosophy guides me through everything I do.